Examples demonstrating how to make selections of filter the atom struct
(For a full list of functions that select/filter the atom struct, go to List_build_functions or the List_general_functions)
First set some convenient matlab settings
format compact; set(gcf,'Visible','on');
Pick filenames to import and export
Set some filenames
filename_in='Pyrophyllite.pdb'; % default example is 'Pyrophyllite.pdb'
Import some molecule
atom=replicate_atom(atom,Box_dim,[4 4 4]) % Replicate the molecule just to get a bigger system
Different types of string based selections
The following selection commands can be applied both to the fields .type and .resname. In these examples we first create some index variable ind, and then use this ind variable to extract all the matching atoms.
% Select atoms in the atom struct matching certain atomtypes using Matlabs % ismember() function. ind1 = ismember([atom.type],[{'Al' 'Si' 'H'}]) % gives a binary (1/0) logical array atom1 = atom(ind1) % This creates a new atom1 struct with the filtered/selected atomtypes % Similar for one atomtype using Matlabs strcmp() function ind2 = strcmp([atom.type],'Al') % try also strncmp or strncmpi? atom2 = atom(ind2) % Similar for one atomtype using Matlabs strncmpi() function, which is case % insensitive and in this example only tries to match the 2 first % characters ind3 = find(strncmpi([atom.type],'al',2)) % Will find the indexes of 'Al' 'Alt' atom3 = atom(ind3) % Compare ind1, ind2 and ind3. Are they similar or different? What is the % difference between ismember(), strcmp(), strncmpi()? Could we have used % any other Matlab functions to do the same thing?
Different types of selections based on numeric values
In these examples we skip the generation of index variables used above, just because we can...
% Select atoms based on some coordinate values pos_z_atom = atom([atom.z]>0) % finds all atoms with a positve z-coordinate % or try this specific_z_atom = atom([atom.z]>1|[atom.z]<-1) % Note the | character % Select atoms based on their index first100_atom = atom(1:100) % finds the first 100 atoms in the atom struct first100_atom = atom([atom.index]<101) % also finds the first 100 atoms in the atom struct molecule3_atom = atom([atom.molid]==3) % finds the atoms in the 3rd molecule (having .molid = 3)