- This function can help you print one custom gromacs angle.ndx group,
- based on the atomtypes names. You just have to pass on the three (or
- four) atomtypes that makes up the angle, like {'Mgo' 'Ohmg' 'H'}, or
- {'Al' 'Mgo' 'Oh' 'H'}, which will find the angle between all
- Mgo/Al - Oh - H. Note that you can use strncmpi to get a wider search.
Please report problems/bugs to
- atom2mk_angndx(filename,groupname,atomtypes,molid) % Basic input arguments
function atom2mk_angndx(filename,groupname,atomtypes) % clear all; format compact; % You could set the group name here manually if you want % filename='evap_0.gro' % groupname='MMT'; % atomtypes={'Mgo' 'Ohmg' 'H'}; atom = import_atom(filename); atom = bond_angle_atom(atom,Box_dim,1.25,2.25); if iscell(atomtypes) atomtypes=atomtypes; else % if atomtypes ind=atomtypes; end if iscell(atomtypes) if numel(atomtypes)==3 ind=[]; str=sort(atomtypes); for i =1:size(Angle_index,1) temp_str=sort([atom(Angle_index(i,1:3)).type]); % Note that you can use strncmpi to get a wider search term if sum(strcmpi(temp_str,str))==3 ind=[ind Angle_index(i,1:3)]; end end elseif numel(atomtypes)==4 ind=[]; str1=sort(atomtypes([1 3 4])); str2=sort(atomtypes([2 3 4])); for i =1:size(Angle_index,1) temp_str=sort([atom(Angle_index(i,1:3)).type]); % Note that you can use strncmpi to get a wider search term if sum(strcmpi(temp_str,str1))==3 ind=[ind Angle_index(i,1:3)]; end end for i =1:size(Angle_index,1) temp_str=sort([atom(Angle_index(i,1:3)).type]); % Note that you can use strncmpi to get a wider search term if sum(strcmpi(temp_str,str2))==3 ind=[ind Angle_index(i,1:3)]; end end end end % Format the ind vector to have 15 entries per row ext_ind=zeros(1,15*ceil(length(ind)/15)); ext_ind(1:length(ind))=ind; ext_ind=reshape(ext_ind,15,[])'; % Print the index file fid = fopen(strcat(groupname,'.ndx'), 'wt'); fprintf(fid, '%s %s %s\r\n','[',groupname,']'); for i = 1:size(ext_ind,1) row=ext_ind(i,:); row(row==0)=[]; if max(row)<1000 fprintf(fid, '%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i\r\n', row); elseif max(row)<10000 fprintf(fid, '%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i\r\n', row); elseif max(row)<100000 fprintf(fid, '%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i\r\n', row); end end fprintf(fid, '\r\n'); fclose(fid);