- This is a special function imports a model structure of a single molecule
- like PO43- and tries to fit it into a crystal lattice possibly holding
- multiple such sites. Any waters or counter-ions (see lin 39) can be
- reordered and reintroduced to the final model.
- Version
- Contact
- Examples
- Choose a main atomtype used for centering the model onto the reference structure
- Calculate how many models would fit in reference
- Place the model at origo
- For every model to be superpositioned over the reference...
- Generate random angles between -180 to +180
- Rotate and move the temporary model structure
- Calculate and compare distance matrixes (reshaped to vectors in the end) for each temp_model structure and the respective part of the reference structure
- Calculate the difference
- Save the best angles
- Add the temp_model to the the full model
- Finalize and write the final structure, possibly with the original ions and waters (that have been reordered)
Please report problems/bugs to
- [atom,Box_dim] = fit2lattice_atom(atom_model,atom_ref,Box_dim_ref) % Basic imput arguments
function [atom,Box_dim] = fit2lattice_atom(atom_model,atom_ref,Box_dim_ref,varargin)
% clear all; % format compact; % % %% Set filenames/residue name % ref_filename='H3PO4_CollCode15887.pdb' % model_filename='1xH3PO4.pdb' % %% Import and setup reference and model structures, strip away waters and counter-ions.. % model=import_atom(model_filename); % ref=import_atom(ref_filename); if nargin>3 outfilename=varargin{1}; else outfilename='preem.gro'; end if nargin > 4 resname=varargin{2}; else resname='PO4'; end model=atom_model; ref=atom_ref; Box_dim=Box_dim_ref; ref=element_atom(ref); [ref,SOL]=remove_H2O(ref,Box_dim); % Will output SOL ref=resname_atom(ref,resname); [ref.molid]=deal(1); model=element_atom(model); [model.molid]=deal(1); [model.resname]=deal({resname}); model=bond_angle_atom(model,Box_dim,1.25,2.45,'more'); Ion=ref(strcmp([ref.resname],'ION')); if numel(Ion)==0 Ion=[]; end ref(strcmp([ref.resname],'ION'))=[]; ref(strcmp([ref.resname],'SOL'))=[]; ref=bond_angle_atom(ref,Box_dim,1.25,2.45,'more');
Choose a main atomtype used for centering the model onto the reference structure
Atom_type=unique([ref.type]); Atom_type(ismember(Atom_type,{'H' 'O' 'C' 'Li' 'Na' 'K' 'Ca' 'Mg' 'Cs'}))=[]; nAtomtypeRef=sum(strcmp([ref.type],Atom_type)); nAtomtypeModel=sum(strcmp([model.type],Atom_type)); AtomtypeRef_ind=find(strcmp([ref.type],Atom_type)); AtomtypeModel_ind=find(strcmp([model.type],Atom_type));
Calculate how many models would fit in reference
Place the model at origo
model=translate_atom(model,-[model(AtomtypeModel_ind(1)).x model(AtomtypeModel_ind(1)).y model(AtomtypeModel_ind(1)).z]);
For every model to be superpositioned over the reference...
full_model=[];BestAngles=[0 0 0]; BestAngles_all=[];res_all=[];
for i=1:nRepFactor
close all n=1; prev_res=1E23; while sum(prev_res.^2)>0.5 && n < 2000
Generate random angles between -180 to +180
angles=[360*rand-180 360*rand-180 360*rand-180];
Rotate and move the temporary model structure
temp_model = rotate_atom(model,Box_dim,angles,AtomtypeModel_ind); % Rotate the temp_model around origo temp_model = translate_atom(temp_model,[ref(AtomtypeRef_ind(i)).x ref(AtomtypeRef_ind(i)).y ref(AtomtypeRef_ind(i)).z]); % Translate the temp_model to the i:th position
Calculate and compare distance matrixes (reshaped to vectors in the end) for each temp_model structure and the respective part of the reference structure
d_ref_matrix=dist_matrix_atom(ref(unique(ref(AtomtypeRef_ind(i)).angle.index(:,1:2:end))),... ref(unique(ref(AtomtypeRef_ind(i)).angle.index(:,1:2:end))),Box_dim); d_ref_matrix=sort(d_ref_matrix,2); d_ref_matrix=reshape(d_ref_matrix,1,[]); d_model_matrix=dist_matrix_atom(temp_model(unique(temp_model((AtomtypeModel_ind(1))).angle.index(:,1:2:end))),... ref(unique(ref(AtomtypeRef_ind(i)).angle.index(:,1:2:end))),Box_dim); d_model_matrix=sort(d_model_matrix,2); d_model_matrix=reshape(d_model_matrix,1,[]);
Calculate the difference
Save the best angles
if sum(res.^2)<sum(prev_res.^2) prev_res=res; BestAngles=[BestAngles;angles]; hold on drawnow plot(res) end n=n+1;
res_all=[res_all sum(res.^2)];
BestAngles_all = [BestAngles_all BestAngles(end,:)];
Add the temp_model to the the full model
full_model = update_atom({full_model temp_model});
Finalize and write the final structure, possibly with the original ions and waters (that have been reordered)
full_model = wrap_atom(full_model,Box_dim); System=update_atom({full_model Ion SOL}); prop = analyze_atom(System,Box_dim,2.65); write_atom_gro(System,Box_dim,strcat(char(outfilename),'_GII_',num2str(GII,3),'_',num2str(GII_noH,3),'.gro')); atom = System;
% vmd(update_atom({ref full_model}),Box_dim)