- This function import .pdb files into the atom struct
- varargin can be used to translate, alt. center+translate the molecule
Please report problems/bugs to
- atom = import_atom('molecule.pdb')
- atom = import_atom('molecule.pdb',[10 5 2])
- atom = import_atom('molecule.pdb',[10 5 0],[35.24 24.23 52.23])
function atom = import_atom_pdb(filename,varargin) if regexp(filename,'.pdb') ~= false filename = filename; else filename = strcat(filename,'.pdb'); end % See % COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 1 - 6 Record name "ATOM " % 7 - 11 Integer Serial Atom serial number. % 13 - 16 Atom Atom type Atom name. ->17 by MH % 17 Character AltLoc Alternate location indicator. % 18 - 20 Residue name ResName Residue name. % 22 Character ChainID Chain identifier. % 23 - 26 Integer ResSeq Residue sequence number. % 27 AChar Code Code for insertion of residues. % 31 - 38 Real(8.3) X Orthogonal coordinates for X in Angstroms. % 39 - 46 Real(8.3) Y Orthogonal coordinates for Y in Angstroms. % 47 - 54 Real(8.3) Z Orthogonal coordinates for Z in Angstroms. % 55 - 60 Real(6.2) Occupancy Occupancy. % 61 - 66 Real(6.2) TempFactor Temperature factor. % 73 - 76 LString(4) Segment identifier, left-justified. % Not used % 77 - 78 LString(2) Element Element symbol, right-justified. % 79 - 80 LString(2) Charge Charge on the atom. filename fid = fopen(filename,'r'); % fullText = fread(fid,'char=>char')'; % data = strread(fullText,'%s','delimiter','\n');% use textscan instead? data = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n', 'whitespace', ''); % New addition data=data{1}; % New addition fclose(fid); IndexCRYS = strfind(data,'CRYS'); Index = find(not(cellfun('isempty',IndexCRYS))); Box_cell=strsplit(char(data(Index)));Box_dim=[]; for i=1:length(Box_cell) [num, status] = str2num(char(Box_cell(i))); j=1; if status==1 Box_dim=[Box_dim num]; j=j+1; end end if length(Box_dim)>3 Box_dim=Box_dim(1:6); a=Box_dim(1); b=Box_dim(2); c=Box_dim(3); alfa=Box_dim(4); beta=Box_dim(5); gamma=Box_dim(6); lx = a; xy = b * cos(deg2rad(gamma)); ly = (b^2-xy^2)^.5; xz = c*cos(deg2rad(beta)); yz = (b*c*cos(deg2rad(alfa))-xy*xz)/ly; lz = (c^2 - xz^2 - yz^2)^0.5; Box_dim=[lx ly lz 0 0 xy 0 xz yz]; Box_dim(Box_dim<0.00001&Box_dim>-0.00001)=0; if sum(find(Box_dim(4:end)))<0.0001 Box_dim=Box_dim(1:3); end end j = 0;atom=[]; for i = 1:length(data) line = data{i}; if ((length(line)>=4) && (strcmp(line(1:4), 'ATOM') || strcmp(line(1:6), 'HETATM'))) j = j + 1; atom(j).molid = str2double(line(23:26)); atom(j).resname = {strtrim(line(18:20))}; % atom(j).type = {strtrim(line(13:16))}; % Changed to 17 for better % compatiblity % atom(j).fftype = {strtrim(line(13:16))}; % Changed to 17 for better % compatiblity atom(j).type = {strtrim(line(13:17))}; atom(j).fftype = {strtrim(line(13:17))}; atom(j).index = str2double(line(7:11)); atom(j).neigh.type = {}; atom(j).neigh.index = [0;0;0;0;0;0]; atom(j).neigh.dist = [0;0;0;0;0;0]; atom(j).bond.type = [0;0;0;0;0;0]; atom(j).bond.index = [0;0;0;0;0;0]; atom(j).angle.type = [0;0;0;0;0;0]; atom(j).angle.index = [0;0;0;0;0;0]; atom(j).x = str2double(line(31:38)); atom(j).y = str2double(line(39:46)); atom(j).z = str2double(line(47:54)); atom(j).vx = NaN; atom(j).vy = NaN; atom(j).vz = NaN; occupancy(j,1)=str2double(line(55:60)); tempfactor(j,1)=str2double(line(61:66)); atom(j).occupancy=occupancy(j,1); atom(j).B=tempfactor(j,1); end end nAtoms=size(atom,2); if nargin==2 atom = translate_atom(atom,cell2mat(varargin(1))+[0 0 -median([atom.z])],'all'); end if nargin==3 atom = center_atom(atom,cell2mat(varargin(2)),'all','xyz'); atom = translate_atom(atom,cell2mat(varargin(1))+[0 0 -median([atom.z])],'all'); end XYZ_data=[[atom.x]' [atom.y]' [atom.z]']; XYZ_labels=[atom.type]'; % atom = resname_atom(atom); assignin('caller','occupancy',occupancy) assignin('caller','tempfactor',tempfactor) assignin('caller','XYZ_labels',XYZ_labels) assignin('caller','XYZ_data',XYZ_data) assignin('caller','atom',atom) assignin('caller','nAtoms',nAtoms) assignin('caller','Box_dim',Box_dim) assignin('caller','MolID',[atom.molid]) disp('.pdb file imported')