- This function protonates the sites in the atom struct given by the index vector ind by adding a H's to a new H atom struct. It does so by placing the H opposite to the mean position of all neughbours within 2.5 Ångström of the site to be protonated
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- Hatom = protonate_atom(atom,Box_dim) % Protonating all O's that are only single bonded
- Hatom = protonate_atom(atom,Box_dim,ind) % Protonates all sites with index ind
- Hatom = protonate_atom(atom,Box_dim,ind,rmaxlong) % rcut can be used to change the default cutoff 2.25 Ångström
- Hatom = protonate_atom(atom,Box_dim,ind,rmaxlong,{'He'}) % {'He'} can be used to change the default atomtype H to He
- Hatom = protonate_atom(atom,Box_dim,ind,rmaxlong,{'He'},'minus') % 'minus' or default 'plus' denotes the tilt direction of the added H in the Z-direction
function H_atom = protonate_atom(atom,Box_dim,varargin) if numel(Box_dim)==1 Box_dim(1)=Box_dim(1); Box_dim(2)=Box_dim(1); Box_dim(3)=Box_dim(1); xy=0;xz=0;yz=0; elseif numel(Box_dim)==3 xy=0;xz=0;yz=0; else xy=Box_dim(6);xz=Box_dim(8);yz=Box_dim(9); end if nargin==2 disp('Assuming all oxygen atoms should have 2 neighbours...'); disp('else also supply an ind vector for sites to protonate!'); end atom = element_atom(atom); if nargin > 2 ind=varargin{1}; else ind=[]; end if nargin > 3 rmaxlong=varargin{2}; else rmaxlong=2.25; end if nargin < 4 heal_type={'H'}; else heal_type=varargin{3}; if ~iscell(heal_type) heal_type={heal_type}; end end atom = neigh_atom(atom,Box_dim,1.25,rmaxlong); i=1; while i<=size(atom,2) if strncmpi([atom(i).type],'O',1) && numel(atom(i).neigh.index) < 2 ind=[ind i]; end i=i+1; end if numel(ind)<1 prop=analyze_atom(atom,Box_dim); ind=heal_ind; end disp('Guessing this many H´s!') if numel(ind) > 0 H_atom=[]; for i=ind i atom(i).neigh.type Neigh_cell = sort([atom(i).neigh.type]); if isempty(Neigh_cell) > 0 && iscell(Neigh_cell) Neighbours=strcat(Neigh_cell{:}); else Neighbours={'Nan'}; end if numel(H_atom)==0 % H_atom=atom(1); H_atom=atom(find(strncmp([atom.type],'H',1),1)); else H_atom(size(H_atom,2)+1)=H_atom(end); end [H_atom(end).type]=heal_type;[H_atom(end).fftype]=heal_type; H_atom(end).index=size(H_atom,2); r_vec=atom(i).neigh.r_vec; H_coords=num2cell([atom(i).x atom(i).y (atom(i).z)]-0.9572*mean([r_vec(:,1) r_vec(:,2) r_vec(:,3)],1)/norm(mean([r_vec(:,1) r_vec(:,2) r_vec(:,3)],1))); [H_atom(end).x H_atom(end).y H_atom(end).z]=deal(H_coords{:}); end if size(H_atom,2)>1 dist_matrix=dist_matrix_atom(H_atom,Box_dim); i=1;rmind_tot=[]; while i < size(H_atom,2) rmind=find(dist_matrix(:,i)<+.85); if numel(rmind)>1 x1=[H_atom(i).x]; y1=[H_atom(i).y]; z1=[H_atom(i).z]; H_atom(rmind) = translate_atom(H_atom(rmind),[Box_dim(1)/2-x1 Box_dim(2)/2-y1 Box_dim(3)/2-z1]); H_atom(rmind) = wrap_atom(H_atom(rmind),Box_dim); [H_atom(i).x]=mean([H_atom(rmind).x]); [H_atom(i).y]=mean([H_atom(rmind).y]); [H_atom(i).z]=mean([H_atom(rmind).z]); H_atom(rmind) = translate_atom(H_atom(rmind),[-Box_dim(1)/2+x1 -Box_dim(2)/2+y1 -Box_dim(3)/2+z1]); try rmind_tot=[rmind_tot; rmind(rmind>i)]; catch rmind_tot=[rmind_tot; rmind(rmind>i)]; end end i=i+1; end H_atom(rmind_tot)=[]; end end disp('Created this many H´s!') size(H_atom,2) if isstruct(H_atom) H_atom=rmfield(H_atom,'element'); end