- This function rotate the atom randomly or by the angles given by the rotate vector
Please report problems/bugs to
- atom = rotate_atom(atom,Box_dim)
- atom = rotate_atom(atom,Box_dim,'random')
- atom = rotate_atom(atom,Box_dim,[0 0 90])
- atom = rotate_atom(atom,Box_dim,[0 0 90],ind)
function atom = rotate_atom(atom,Box_dim,varargin) if nargin>2 rotate=varargin{1}; else rotate='random'; end if nargin>3 ind=varargin{2}; else ind=0; end angles=[0 0 0]; if ischar(rotate) angles=[180-360*rand(1) 180-360*rand(1) 180-360*rand(1)]; elseif iscell(rotate) if size(rotate,2)==3 for i=1:3 if iscell(rotate(i)) angles(i)=90*rand(i); else angles(i)=cell2mat(rotate(i)); end end end else if size(rotate,2)==3 % disp('Set the angles to..') % rotate angles(1)=rotate(1); angles(2)=rotate(2); angles(3)=rotate(3); else disp('Did not catch any angles') end end alfa=angles(1); beta=angles(2); gamma=angles(3); if ind==0 atom = COM_atom(atom,Box_dim); else COM=[atom(ind).x atom(ind).y atom(ind).z]; end x_shift=num2cell([atom.x]-COM(1)); [atom.x]=deal(x_shift{:}); y_shift=num2cell([atom.y]-COM(2)); [atom.y]=deal(y_shift{:}); z_shift=num2cell([atom.z]-COM(3)); [atom.z]=deal(z_shift{:}); XYZ_data=[[atom.x]' [atom.y]' [atom.z]']; XYZ_data=XYZ_data*roty(alfa)*rotx(beta)*rotz(gamma); x_rot=num2cell(XYZ_data(:,1)+COM(1)); [atom.x]=deal(x_rot{:}); y_rot=num2cell(XYZ_data(:,2)+COM(2)); [atom.y]=deal(y_rot{:}); z_rot=num2cell(XYZ_data(:,3)+COM(3)); [atom.z]=deal(z_rot{:}); try atom = rmfield(atom,'Mw'); catch; end try atom = rmfield(atom,'element'); catch; end try atom = rmfield(atom,'COM_x'); atom = rmfield(atom,'COM_y'); atom = rmfield(atom,'COM_z'); catch end % assignin('caller','rot_atom',rot_atom); % write_atom_gro(atom,Box_dim,'out.gro'); % % plot_atom('out.gro') end function rotmat = rotx(alpha) % rotate in the direction of y->z, counter-clockwise rotmat = [1 0 0;0 cosd(alpha) -sind(alpha); 0 sind(alpha) cosd(alpha)]; end function rotmat = roty(beta) % rotate in the direction of z->x, counter-clockwise rotmat = [cosd(beta) 0 sind(beta); 0 1 0; -sind(beta) 0 cosd(beta)]; end function rotmat = rotz(gamma) % rotate in the direction of x->y, counter-clockwise rotmat = [cosd(gamma) -sind(gamma) 0; sind(gamma) cosd(gamma) 0; 0 0 1]; end