- This function draws the atom struct in 3D. It neglects bonds over the
- pbc for clarity (this can be changed on line 54).
- For less fancier plots, use the plot_atom(atom,Box_dim) function
- This function is inspired by molecule3D.m, written by Andr? Ludwig (
Please report problems/bugs to
- show_atom(atom)
- show_atom(atom,Box_dim)
- show_atom(atom,Box_dim,'vdw') % representation style, should be either 'ballstick' (default),'licorice','halfvdw','vdw', 'crystal', 'ionic', 'lines', 'labels' or 'index'
- show_atom(atom,Box_dim,'ballstick',1) % Will show the unit cell/box
- show_atom(atom,Box_dim,'ballstick',0,0.3) % Will use 30% transparency
- show_atom(atom,Box_dim,'ballstick',0,0,[2.25 0.6]) % Will set the rmaxlong cutoff and alternativel a distance_Factor
- show_atom(atom,Box_dim,'ballstick',0,0,[],[0 0 -50]) % Will translate the XYZ coordinates
- show_atom(atom,Box_dim,'ballstick',0,0,[],[],[0.5 0.5 0.5]) % Single color as given by the 1x3 RGB vector
function show_atom(atom,varargin) tic disp('Choose between these representations:') disp('ballstick licorice smallvdw halfvdw vdw crystal ionic polyhedra lines labels charge index') if nargin>2 style = char(varargin{2}); %'ballstick','licorice','halfvdw','vdw' else style = 'ballstick'; end if ~ismember(style,{'ballstick' 'small' 'smallvdw' 'licorice' 'halfvdw' 'vdw' 'crystal' 'ionic' 'lines' 'labels' 'charge' 'index' 'poly' 'polyhedra' 'filled'}) style = 'ballstick'; end bond_radii = 0.12; % bond radii resolution = 30; % higher looks better, takes more time element=element_atom(atom); XYZ_labels=[element.type]'; nAtoms = size(XYZ_labels,1); if strncmpi(style,'crystal',3) radii = 1/5*abs(radius_crystal(XYZ_labels)); elseif strncmpi(style,'filled',4) % radii = 1/5*abs(radius_crystal(XYZ_labels)); radii = 1/9*abs(radius_vdw(XYZ_labels)); elseif strncmpi(style,'ionic',3) radii = 1/5*abs(radius_ion(XYZ_labels)); else radii = 1/5*abs(radius_vdw(XYZ_labels)); end color = 1*element_color(XYZ_labels); if nargin>4 alpha=1-varargin{4}; else alpha=1; % Transperacy end rmaxlong=2.25 distance_factor=0.6; if nargin>5 if numel(varargin{5})>0 rmaxlong=varargin{5}; % Dummy value if numel(rmaxlong)>1 distance_factor=rmaxlong(2); rmaxlong=rmaxlong(1); end end end if nargin>6 trans_vec=varargin{6}; if numel(trans_vec)==3 atom=translate_atom(atom,trans_vec(1:3)); if numel(trans_vec)==4 atom=wrap_atom(atom,Box_dim); end end end if nargin>7 color=varargin{7}; color=repmat(color,nAtoms,1); end XYZ_data=[[atom.x]' [atom.y]' [atom.z]']; water_ind=find(ismember(XYZ_labels,{'Ow' 'OW' 'Hw' 'HW' 'HW1' 'HW2'})); radii(water_ind)=bond_radii;%0.5*radii(water_ind); assignin('caller','radii',radii) assignin('caller','color',color) if nargin>1 Box_dim=varargin{1}; if numel(Box_dim)>0 if numel(Box_dim)==1 Box_dim(1)=Box_dim(1); Box_dim(2)=Box_dim(1); Box_dim(3)=Box_dim(1); end if size(atom,2)>39 && size(atom,2) < 5000 && strcmp(style,'ballstick') disp('Scanning intramolecular bonds, neglecting the PBC') atom = bond_atom(atom,1.1*Box_dim,rmaxlong,distance_factor); % the factor 10% makes sure there are no bonds over the pbc! else atom = bond_atom(atom,Box_dim,rmaxlong,distance_factor); if max([atom.molid])<max([atom.index]) i=1; while numel(Bond_index)==0 && i < 10 rmaxlong=2.2+i/4; distance_factor=6+i/10; atom = bond_atom(atom,Box_dim,rmaxlong,distance_factor); i=i+1; end disp('Used this rmaxlong and distance_factor:') rmaxlong distance_factor end end end % Sets plot limits for the data xlo = floor(min([-5 min([atom.x])-max(radii)])); xhi = ceil(max([max([atom.x])+max(radii) Box_dim(1)])/5)*5; ylo = floor(min([-5 min([atom.y])-max(radii)])); yhi = ceil(max([max([atom.y])+max(radii) Box_dim(2)])/5)*5; zlo = floor(min([-5 min([atom.z])-max(radii)])); zhi = ceil(max([max([atom.z])+max(radii) Box_dim(3)])/5)*5; else xlo = floor(min([-5 min([atom.x])-max(radii)])); xhi = ceil(max(max([atom.x]))/5)*5; ylo = floor(min([-5 min([atom.y])-max(radii)])); yhi = ceil(max(max([atom.y]))/5)*5; zlo = floor(min([-5 min([atom.z])-max(radii)])); zhi = ceil(max(max([atom.z]))/5)*5; end if xhi < 5 xhi=5; end if yhi < 5 yhi=5; end if zhi < 5 zhi=5; end % xhi=35 % yhi=40 % zhi=45 hold on; cameratoolbar rotate3d on; camlight(220,210,'infinite'); set(gcf,'Visible','on','Color',[1 1 1]); set(gca,'Color',[1 1 1],'PlotBoxAspectRatio',[(xhi-xlo)/(zhi-zlo) (yhi-ylo)/(zhi-zlo) (zhi-zlo)/(zhi-zlo)],'FontSize',24); % fig = gcf; fig.Color = [1 1 1]; ax = fig.CurrentAxes; ax.XLim = [xlo xhi]; ax.YLim = [ylo yhi]; ax.ZLim = [zlo zhi]; xlabel('X [Å]'); ylabel('Y [Å]'); zlabel('Z [Å]'); view([0,0]); toc tic if strncmpi(style,'labels',5) || strncmpi(style,'charge',5) || strncmpi(style,'index',5) % || strncmpi(style,'lines',4) for i = 1:length(XYZ_labels) labelradii = 750; ind=strncmpi([element.type],XYZ_labels(i),3); if numel(ind)==0 ind=strncmpi([element.type],XYZ_labels(i),2); end if numel(ind)==0 ind=strncmpi([element.type],XYZ_labels(i),1); end scatter3([element(ind).x],[element(ind).y],[element(ind).z],... labelradii,... 'MarkerEdgeColor',[.5 .5 .5],... 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 1 1]); end bond_radii=0.05; if strncmpi(style,'labels',5) text(XYZ_data(:,1)-.2,XYZ_data(:,2)-.2,XYZ_data(:,3)+.1,[atom.type]); elseif strncmpi(style,'charge',5) try text(XYZ_data(:,1)-.2,XYZ_data(:,2)-.2,XYZ_data(:,3)+.1,num2str([atom.charge])); catch disp('Did not find any charge...') end elseif strncmpi(style,'index',5) text(XYZ_data(:,1)-.2,XYZ_data(:,2)-.2,XYZ_data(:,3)+.1,strsplit(num2str([atom.index]))); end elseif strncmpi(style,'licorice',4) || strncmpi(style,'ballstick',4) || strncmpi(style,'smallvdw',5) || strncmpi(style,'halfvdw',4) || strncmpi(style,'vdw',3) || strncmpi(style,'filled',4) || strncmpi(style,'crystal',4) || strncmpi(style,'ion',3) disp('Drawing the atoms') [rx,ry,rz] = sphere(resolution); for i = 1:size(XYZ_data,1) color_temp = color(i,:); switch style case 'licorice' r_temp = bond_radii; case 'ballstick' r_temp = radii(i); case 'small' r_temp = radii(i); case 'smallvdw' r_temp = radii(i); case 'halfvdw' r_temp = 5/2*radii(i); case 'vdw' r_temp = 5*radii(i); case 'crystal' r_temp = 5*radii(i); case 'ionic' r_temp = 5*radii(i); case 'filled' r_temp = 5*radii(i); end if strcmp(style,'filled') slices=100; for s=1:slices surface(XYZ_data(i,1) + s/slices*r_temp*rx,XYZ_data(i,2) + s/slices*r_temp*ry, ... XYZ_data(i,3) + s/slices*r_temp*rz,'FaceColor',color_temp,... 'EdgeColor','none','FaceLighting','none','FaceAlpha',alpha,... 'AmbientStrength',.1,'DiffuseStrength',.1,'SpecularStrength',0); end surface(XYZ_data(i,1) + s/slices*r_temp*rx,XYZ_data(i,2) + s/slices*r_temp*ry, ... XYZ_data(i,3) + s/slices*r_temp*rz,'FaceColor',color_temp,... 'EdgeColor','none','FaceLighting','gouraud','FaceAlpha',alpha,... 'AmbientStrength',.6,'DiffuseStrength',.3,'SpecularStrength',0); else surface(XYZ_data(i,1) + r_temp*rx,XYZ_data(i,2) + r_temp*ry, ... XYZ_data(i,3) + r_temp*rz,'FaceColor',color_temp, ... 'EdgeColor','none','FaceLighting','gouraud','FaceAlpha',alpha,... 'AmbientStrength',.6,'DiffuseStrength',.3,'SpecularStrength',0); end if mod(i,1000)==1 if i > 1 i-1 drawnow limitrate end end end drawnow elseif strncmpi(style,'polyhedra',4) disp('Plotting polyhedra. See poly_atom function for more options..') polytype=unique([atom.type]); polytype(strncmpi(polytype,'H',1))=[]; polytype(strncmpi(polytype,'O',1))=[]; polytype_ind=find(ismember([atom.type],polytype)); for ip=1:numel(polytype_ind) i=polytype_ind(ip); color_temp = color(i,:); if numel(atom(i).neigh.index)>0 r_vec = [[atom(i).neigh.r_vec(:,1)] [atom(i).neigh.r_vec(:,2)] [atom(i).neigh.r_vec(:,3)]]; dist=[]; for j=1:size(r_vec,1) dist(j,:)=([ (r_vec(j,1)-r_vec(:,1)).^2 + (r_vec(j,2)-r_vec(:,2)).^2 + ([r_vec(j,3)-r_vec(:,3)]).^2] ).^.5; end dist(dist>1.5*rmaxlong)=0; PolyInd=[];n=0; for ik=1:size(r_vec,1) for il=ik+1:size(r_vec,1) for im=il+1:size(r_vec,1) if dist(il,ik)>0 && dist(im,ik)>0 && dist(im,il)>0 n=n+1; PolyInd(n,:)=[ik il im]; end end end end poly_color=color_temp.^.5; poly_color_edge=color_temp./5; patch('Faces',PolyInd,'Vertices',[atom(i).x atom(i).y atom(i).z]+[atom(i).neigh.r_vec],'FaceColor',poly_color,... 'EdgeColor',poly_color_edge,'FaceLighting','gouraud','Facealpha',alpha,... 'AmbientStrength',0.8,'DiffuseStrength',0.6,'SpecularStrength',0.2,'LineWidth',1); end if mod(i,1000)==1 || i==size(atom,2) if i > 1 i-1 drawnow limitrate end end end else disp('Unknown type of representation...') disp('Try any of these: ballstick small smallvdw licorice halfvdw vdw crystal lines labels charge index poly filled') end toc tic if exist('Bond_index','var') && numel(Bond_index)>0 && ismember(style,{'ballstick' 'licorice' 'lines' 'labels' 'charge' 'index'}) rdist = Bond_index(:,3); % draw cylinders for each bond disp('Drawing the bonds') for i = 1:size(Bond_index,1) % draw sticks for all bounds r1 = XYZ_data(Bond_index(i,1),:); % coordinates atom 1 r2 = XYZ_data(Bond_index(i,2),:); % coordinates atom 2 % bond angles in spherical coordinates v = (r2-r1)/norm(r2-r1); phi = atan2d(v(2),v(1)); theta = -asind(v(3)); % bond distance minus sphere radii bd = rdist(i) - radii(Bond_index(i,1)) - radii(Bond_index(i,2)); cyl2 = radii(Bond_index(i,1)) + bd/2; % length half bond cylinder cyl1 = rdist(i); % length full bond cylinder % get colors of both atoms color_temp1 = color(Bond_index(i,2),:); color_temp2 = color(Bond_index(i,1),:); % prototype cylinders for bond [z,y,x] = cylinder(bond_radii,resolution/2); % full bond cylinder x(2,:) = x(2,:) * cyl1; % adjust length [z2,y2,x2] = cylinder(bond_radii*1.01,resolution/2); % half bond cylinder, thicker x2(2,:) = x2(2,:) * cyl2; % adjust length % rotate cylinders to match bond vector v for kk = 1:numel(x) vr = [x(kk); y(kk); z(kk);]; vr = rotz(phi)*roty(theta)*vr; x(kk) = vr(1); y(kk) = vr(2); z(kk) = vr(3); vr = [x2(kk); y2(kk); z2(kk);]; vr = rotz(phi)*roty(theta)*vr; x2(kk) = vr(1); y2(kk) = vr(2); z2(kk) = vr(3); end % full bond color 1 surface(r1(1) + x,r1(2) + y,r1(3) + z,... 'FaceColor',color_temp1,... 'EdgeColor','none','FaceLighting','gouraud','FaceAlpha',alpha,... 'AmbientStrength',.6,'DiffuseStrength',.1,'SpecularStrength',0); %'EdgeColor','none',... %'FaceLighting','gouraud','FaceAlpha',alpha) % half bond color 2 surface(r1(1) + x2,r1(2) + y2,r1(3) + z2,... 'FaceColor',color_temp2,... 'EdgeColor','none','FaceLighting','gouraud','FaceAlpha',alpha,... 'AmbientStrength',.6,'DiffuseStrength',.3,'SpecularStrength',0); if mod(i,100)==1 if i > 1 i-1 drawnow limitrate end end end end toc if nargin>3 if varargin{3}>0 && ~strncmpi(style,'filled',4) Simbox = draw_box_atom(Box_dim,[0 0 0.8],2); end end if strncmpi(style,'filled',4) Simbox = draw_box_atom(Box_dim,[0 0 0.8],2); xlim([0 Box_dim(1)+.01]); ylim([0 Box_dim(2)+.01]); zlim([0 Box_dim(3)+.01]); if xhi<20 xticks([floor(xlo:1:ceil(xhi))]); end if yhi<20 yticks([floor(ylo:1:ceil(yhi))]); end if zhi<20 zticks([floor(zlo:1:ceil(zhi))]); end end hold off; end function rotmat = roty(beta) % rotate in the direction of z->x, counter-clockwise rotmat = [cosd(beta) 0 sind(beta); 0 1 0; -sind(beta) 0 cosd(beta)]; end function rotmat = rotz(gamma) % rotate in the direction of x->y, counter-clockwise rotmat = [cosd(gamma) -sind(gamma) 0; sind(gamma) cosd(gamma) 0; 0 0 1]; end