- This quirky function can be used to create a nano-tube or nano-roll of the coordinates from an atom struct. It works best if the the input atom struct consists of one centered unit cell (to keep the number of atoms down). You can always the replicate_atom() function later to build the entire roll/tube.
- See needed variables/parameters below on line 22-27 and 37 to play around with. For non-centrosymmetric layers, chosing +R or -R on line 45 allow you to choose the type of inner-surface atoms. The spiral_vector and Rshift on 37 can be used to skew the spiral in the x and/or the y direction/s.
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- atom = tube_atom(atom,Box_dim,Radii)
function atom = tube_atom(atom,Box_dim,Dim,nUC,AngularRange,UCaccuracy,deltaaccuracy,Rshift) % Dim=2; % 1 for X-direction, 2 for the Y-direction % nUC=36; % Ideal number of unit cells per revolution % AngularRange=2*360; % Ideal number of revolutions, ie n*360deg. The final angular range might be different.. % UCaccuracy=0.05; % Connected to UC placement accuracy, lower is better, but harder.. will affect the actual angular range % deltaaccuracy=0.4; % Connected to UC placement speed, higher is faster, but worse.. will affect the actual angular range % Rshift=0.3; % Lateral shift in Å between each UC, resulting in a roll rather than a tube (Rshift=0) if Dim==1 L=Box_dim(1); elseif Dim==2 L=Box_dim(2); elseif Dim==3 L=Box_dim(3); end spiral_vector = [0 0 Rshift*(Rshift/(Rshift+i/AngularRange/2))] % [0 0 0] makes a tube, anything else creates a spiral roll perpendicular to [x y z] R = L*nUC/(2*pi) % Target inner radii Cf = 2*pi*R % Target inner circumference, not used atom=translate_atom(atom,-[min([atom.x]) min([atom.y]) max([atom.z])]); atom=replicate_atom(atom,Box_dim,[1 1 1]); atom=translate_atom(atom,-Box_dim./2); atom=translate_atom(atom,[0 0 R]); % Try also -R, do you see any difference System=atom; nUCreal=nUC*AngularRange/360; prev_temp=atom;AngleList(1)=0;DeltaList(1)=0; for i=1:nUCreal A=0;delta=0;angle=0;MajorAtomicOverlap=0; while abs(A-L)>(UCaccuracy*L) if A-L > UCaccuracy*L angle=(i-1)*AngularRange/nUCreal-delta; elseif A-L < UCaccuracy*L angle=(i-1)*AngularRange/nUCreal+delta; end if angle<AngleList(end) angle=AngleList(end); end % if angle>AngularRange % disp('angle larger than the AngularRange') % [angle AngularRange] % % end if Dim==1 trans_temp = spiral_atom(atom,Box_dim,[angle 0 0],i*spiral_vector); elseif Dim==2 trans_temp = spiral_atom(atom,Box_dim,[0 angle 0],i*spiral_vector); elseif Dim==3 disp('Not supported in Z') pause % trans_temp = spiral_atom(atom,Box_dim,[0 0 angle],i*[0 0 Rshift]); end D=dist_matrix_noPBC_atom(trans_temp,prev_temp); A=mean(diag(D)); delta=delta+deltaaccuracy; end angle DeltaList(i)=delta; AngleList(i)=angle; System=update_atom({System trans_temp}); prev_temp=trans_temp; % if mod(i,10)==1 % if i > 1 % i-1 % end % end end if Rshift==0 D=dist_matrix_noPBC_atom(atom,trans_temp); A=mean(diag(D)); disp('last-to-first distance ideal distance') [A L] if A-L > UCaccuracy*L disp('Play around with AngularRange and UCaccuracy to optimize the sealing of the tube') elseif A-L < UCaccuracy*L disp('Play around with AngularRange and UCaccuracy to optimize the sealing of the tube') end end atom=System; assignin('caller','DeltaList',DeltaList); assignin('caller','AngleList',AngleList); disp('.') disp('.') disp('.') disp('Note that this function offers no error-checking in terms of overlapping atoms') disp(' clever math can be found here..')