- This script creates and prints a gromacs .itp file
- Works best for clayff or interface ff with spc, spce or tip3p
- The variables explicit_bonds|explicit_angles (1/0) on that are set
- between lines ~50-120 for each specific forcefield, determines if the
- bond and angle terms are added to the .itp file. *
- In the examples below, the first cutoff (1.25) represents max bond
- distance to any H. The second cutoff (2.25) represents the max bond
- distance between any non-H atomtypes, like Si-O.
- Additional commands governing the selection of bonds/angles can be
- found on lines ~140-175, and 180-200 for angles
Please report problems/bugs to michael.holmboe@umu.se
- write_atom_itp(atom,Box_dim,filename) % Basic input arguments
- write_atom_itp(atom,Box_dim,filename,1.25,1.25) % Default forcefield is clayff_2004
- write_atom_itp(atom,Box_dim,filename,1.25,2.25,'clayff','spc/e')
- write_atom_itp(atom,Box_dim,filename,1.25,2.25,'interface','tip3p')
- write_atom_itp(atom,Box_dim,filename,1.25,2.25,'interface','tip3p',1)
function write_atom_itp(atom,Box_dim,filename,varargin)
format long nAtoms=size(atom,2); if regexp(filename,'.itp') ~= false filename = filename; else filename = strcat(filename,'.itp'); end if nargin > 3 maxrshort=varargin{1} maxrlong=varargin{2} else maxrshort=1.25; maxrlong=1.25; % long=short since clayff end if nargin > 7 MolId=varargin{5}; if ~ischar(MolId) MolId=strcat('_',num2str(MolId)); end else MolId=[]; end if nargin>5 ffname=varargin{3} if nargin>6 watermodel=varargin{4} else disp('Unknown watermodel, will try SPC/E') watermodel='SPC/E' end if strcmpi(ffname,'clayff') clayff_param(sort(unique([atom.type])),watermodel); if ~isfield(atom,'charge') atom = charge_atom(atom,Box_dim,'clayff',watermodel,'adjust'); end Total_charge=sum([atom.charge]) round(Total_charge,5) % pause nrexcl=1; % See the gromacs manual explicit_bonds = 0 explicit_angles = 1 elseif strncmpi(ffname,'clayff_2004',5) clayff_2004_param(sort(unique([atom.type])),watermodel); if ~isfield(atom,'charge') atom = charge_atom(atom,Box_dim,'clayff_2004',watermodel,'adjust'); end Total_charge=sum([atom.charge]) round(Total_charge,5) % pause nrexcl=1; % See the gromacs manual explicit_bonds = 0 explicit_angles = 1 elseif strcmpi(ffname,'interface') interface_param(sort(unique([atom.type])),watermodel); if ~isfield(atom,'charge') atom = charge_atom(atom,Box_dim,'interface',watermodel,'adjust'); end Total_charge=sum([atom.charge]) nrexcl=2; % See the gromacs manual explicit_bonds = 1; explicit_angles = 1; elseif strcmpi(ffname,'interface15') atom = mass_atom(atom); nrexcl=2; % See the gromacs manual % interface15_param(sort(unique([atom.type])),watermodel); % atom = charge_atom(atom,Box_dim,'interface15',watermodel,'adjust'); if nargin > 7 model_database=varargin{5} else model_database='CLAY_MINERALS' end atom = check_interface15_charge(atom,model_database); Total_charge nrexcl=2; % See the gromacs manual explicit_bonds = 0 % 0 currently does not work, because no default bond types explicit_angles = 0% 0 currently does not work, because no default angle types elseif strcmpi(ffname,'interface_car') % Experimental!!! atom = mass_atom(atom); nrexcl=2; % See the gromacs manual explicit_bonds = 1 explicit_angles = 1 % elseif strcmpi(ffname,'oplsaa_go'); % % This is not for you... % oplsaa_go_param(sort(unique([atom.type])),watermodel); % atom = charge_opls_go_atom(atom,Box_dim,{'H' 'Oe' 'Oh'},[0.418 -0.4 -0.683]) % Total_charge % nrexcl=3; % See the gromacs manual % explicit_bonds = 0; % explicit_angles = 0; end else disp('Forcefield not stated, will make some assumptions then...') pause(2) ffname='clayff' watermodel='SPC/E' pause(2) atom = mass_atom(atom); element=element_atom(atom); [atom.element]=element.type; if ~isfield(atom,'charge') atom = charge_atom(atom,Box_dim,ffname,watermodel); end nrexcl=1; % See the gromacs manual explicit_bonds = 0 explicit_angles = 0 end
Find atomtype specific indexes
ind_Hneighbours = find(~cellfun(@isempty,regexpi([atom.type],'h'))); ind_H=find(strncmpi([atom.type],{'H'},1)); ind_O=find(strncmpi([atom.type],{'O'},1)); ind_Osih=find(strncmpi([atom.type],{'Osih'},4)); ind_Alhh=find(strncmpi([atom.type],{'Oalhh'},5)); ind_Oh=intersect(ind_O,ind_Hneighbours); ind_Al=find(strncmpi([atom.type],'Al',2)); ind_Mgo=find(ismember([atom.type],{'Mgo' 'Mgh'})); ind_Si=find(strncmpi([atom.type],{'Si'},2)); ind_Oct=sort([ind_Al ind_Mgo]); ind_Edge=unique([ind_H ind_Alhh ind_Osih]); atom = bond_angle_atom(atom,Box_dim,maxrshort,maxrlong); if strncmpi(ffname,'clayff',5)
% %% To only keep bonds to atoms also bonded to H's, uncomment the next four lines % disp('Keeping only bonds with H') % [h_row,h_col]=ind2sub(size(Bond_index),find(ismember(Bond_index,ind_Hneighbours))); % Bond_index=Bond_index(h_row,:); % nBonds=size(Bond_index,1);
To only keep bonds to H's, uncomment the next three lines
[H_row,H_col]=ind2sub(size(Bond_index),find(ismember(Bond_index,ind_H))); Bond_index=Bond_index(H_row,:); nBonds=size(Bond_index,1);
% %% To only keep edge bonds (and all O-H), uncomment the next four lines disp('Keeping only bonds with H or edge-O ') [h_row,h_col]=ind2sub(size(Bond_index),find(ismember(Bond_index,ind_Edge))); Bond_index=Bond_index(h_row,:);
To only keep bonds between Osih - H, uncomment the next four lines
disp('Keeping only bonds with H') [h_row,h_col]=ind2sub(size(Bond_index),find(ismember(Bond_index,ind_Osih))); Bond_index=Bond_index(h_row,:); nBonds=size(Bond_index,1);
% %% To remove bonds with 'Al' % [Al_row,Al_col]=ind2sub(size(Bond_index),find(ismember(Bond_index,ind_Al))); % Bond_index(Al_row,:)=[]; % nBonds=size(Bond_index,1); % %% To remove bonds with 'Si' % [Si_row,Si_col]=ind2sub(size(Bond_index),find(ismember(Bond_index(:,2),ind_Si))); % Bond_index(Si_row,:)=[]; % nBonds=size(Bond_index,1); % %% To remove bonds larger than certain rmin, uncomment next two lines % rm_ind=find(Bond_index(:,3)>1.25); % Bond_index(rm_ind,:)=[]; % nBonds=size(Bond_index,1);
end [Y,I]=sort(Bond_index(:,1)); Bond_index=Bond_index(I,:); Bond_index = unique(Bond_index,'rows','stable'); % if strncmpi(ffname,'clayff',5) % disp('What to do with edge angles with Al') % disp('Removing angles with Al') % [Al_row,Al_col]=ind2sub(size(Angle_index),find(ismember(Angle_index,ind_Al))); % Angle_index(Al_row,:)=[]; % % To remove angles with 'Si' % Si_ind=find(strcmp(XYZ_labels(:,1),'Si')); % [Si_row,Si_col]=ind2sub(size(Angle_index),find(ismember(Angle_index(:,2),Si_ind))); % Angle_index(Si_row,:)=[]; % %% Extra stuff % Angle_index % rm_ind=find(Angle_index(:,4)>150|Angle_index(:,4)<60); % Angle_index(rm_ind,:)=[]; % [Y,I]=sort(Angle_index(:,2)); % Angle_index=Angle_index(I,:); % Angle_index = unique(Angle_index,'rows','stable'); % end % file_title = 'Gromacs awesome itp file'; % Header in output file molecule_name = char([atom(1).resname]); % molecule name Atom_label = unique([atom.type]); fid = fopen(filename, 'wt'); % open a text file that we can write into fprintf(fid, '%s % s\n',';',file_title); fprintf(fid, '%s % s\n',';','File written by MHolmboe (michael.holmboe@umu.se)'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','[ moleculetype ]'); fprintf(fid, '%s % s\n',';','molname nrexcl'); % fprintf(fid, '%s %d\n',strrep(molecule_name(1:3),'.itp',''),nrexcl); fprintf(fid, '%s %d\n',strcat(molecule_name(1:3),MolId),nrexcl); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','[ atoms ]'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; id attype resnr resname atname cgnr charge mass'); Atom_label_ID=ones(size(atom,2),1); for i = 1:nAtoms if sum(ismember(Atom_label,[atom(i).type])) > 0 Atom_label_ID(i,1)=find(ismember(Atom_label,[atom(i).type])==1); end if isfield(atom,'mass') Atoms_data(i,:) = {i, char([atom(i).fftype]),[atom(i).molid],molecule_name(1:3),char([atom(i).type]),i, round([atom(i).charge],6),[atom(i).mass]}; else exist('Masses','var'); Atoms_data(i,:) = {i, char([atom(i).type]),[atom(i).molid],molecule_name(1:3),char([atom(i).type]),i, round([atom(i).charge],6), Masses(Atom_label_ID(i,1))}; end fprintf(fid, '%-4i%6s%8i%8s%8s%8i\t% 8.6f\t% 8.6f\n', Atoms_data{i,:}); end fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '[ bonds ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; i j type'); count_b = 1; bondtype=1; % Gromacs bond type. 1 means harmonic bond, k(r-ro)^2, see manual. % explicit_bonds = 0; while count_b <= size(Bond_index,1) if explicit_bonds == 1 if sum(ismember(Bond_index(count_b,1:2),ind_H))>0 if strncmpi(ffname,'interface',5) r=0.09290; kb=414216; else r=0.09789; kb=463700; end else if strncmpi(ffname,'interface',5) r=Bond_index(count_b,3)/10*1.05; kb=359824; else r=Bond_index(count_b,3)/10; kb=360000; end end % Normal Bond_order(count_b,:)= {Bond_index(count_b,1), Bond_index(count_b,2), bondtype, r, kb, ';',strtrim(char([atom(Bond_index(count_b,1)).fftype])), strtrim(char([atom(Bond_index(count_b,2)).fftype]))}; fprintf(fid, '%-5i\t%-5i\t%-5i\t%-8.4f\t%-8.4f\t%s\t%s-%s\n', Bond_order{count_b,:}); % Custom % Bond_order(count_b,:)= {Bond_index(count_b,1), Bond_index(count_b,2), 10, r*.95, r*1.05, r*1.05+.01 , kb, ';',strtrim(char([atom(Bond_index(count_b,1)).type])), strtrim(char([atom(Bond_index(count_b,2)).type]))}; % fprintf(fid, '%-5i\t%-5i\t%-5i\t%-8.4f\t%-8.4f\t%-8.4f\t%-8.4f\t%s\t%s-%s\n', Bond_order{count_b,:}); % fprintf(fid, '%-5i %-5i %-5i %-8.4f %-8.4f %s %s-%s\n', Bond_order{count_b,:}); count_b = count_b + 1; else Bond_order(count_b,:)= {Bond_index(count_b,1), Bond_index(count_b,2), bondtype, ';', Bond_index(count_b,3)/10, strtrim(char([atom(Bond_index(count_b,1)).fftype])), strtrim(char([atom(Bond_index(count_b,2)).fftype]))}; fprintf(fid, '%-5i %-5i %-5i %s %-8.4f %s-%s \n', Bond_order{count_b,:}); count_b = count_b + 1; end end try if numel(Bond_order)>0 assignin('caller','Bond_order',Bond_order); disp('These atom types has bonds') unique(Bond_order(:,end-1:end)) end catch disp('No bonds?') end fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '[ angles ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; i j k type'); count_a = 1;%explicit_angles = 0; angletype=1; Angle_order={}; Angle_index=sortrows(Angle_index); while count_a <= length(Angle_index) %nAngles; if explicit_angles == 1 if sum(ismember(Angle_index(count_a,1:3),ind_H))==1 if sum(ismember(Angle_index(count_a,1:3),ind_Mgo))>0 % Pouvreau,? Jeffery A. Greathouse,? Randall T. Cygan,? and Andrey G. Kalinichev 2017 adeg=110; ktheta=50.208; elseif sum(ismember(Angle_index(count_a,1:3),ind_Al))>0 % Pouvreau,? Jeffery A. Greathouse,? Randall T. Cygan,? and Andrey G. Kalinichev 2017 adeg=110; % ktheta=125.52; % else % Maxime Pouvreau, et al., 2019, before orig Clayff, 2004 adeg=100; % ktheta=125.52; % 251.04; % since 15*4.184*2;% earlier 96.232*10; % end elseif sum(ismember(Angle_index(count_a,1:3),ind_H))==2 % && sum(ismember(Angle_index(count_a,1:3),ind_Oh))>0 && sum(ismember(Angle_index(count_a,1:3),ind_Oct))>0 adeg=109.47; % SPC water ktheta=383; % SPC water else % Orig Interface 2005 adeg=Angle_index(count_a,4); ktheta=1422.56; end Angle_order(count_a,:)= {Angle_index(count_a,1), Angle_index(count_a,2), Angle_index(count_a,3), angletype, round(adeg,2), ktheta, ';', strtrim(char([atom(Angle_index(count_a,1)).type])), strtrim(char([atom(Angle_index(count_a,2)).type])), strtrim(char([atom(Angle_index(count_a,3)).type]))}; fprintf(fid, '%-5i %-5i %-5i %-5i %-6.2f %-8.4f %s %s-%s-%s\n', Angle_order{count_a,:}); count_a = count_a + 1; else Angle_order(count_a,:)= {Angle_index(count_a,1), Angle_index(count_a,2), Angle_index(count_a,3), angletype, ';', round(Angle_index(count_a,4),2), strtrim(char([atom(Angle_index(count_a,1)).fftype])), strtrim(char([atom(Angle_index(count_a,2)).fftype])), strtrim(char([atom(Angle_index(count_a,3)).fftype]))}; fprintf(fid, '%-5i %-5i %-5i %-5i %s %-6.2f %s-%s-%s\n', Angle_order{count_a,:}); count_a = count_a + 1; end end fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); if numel(Angle_order)>0 assignin('caller','Angle_order',Angle_order); disp('These atom types has angles') unique(Angle_order(:,end-2:end)) end if exist('Total_charge','var') disp('Total charge for the .itp file was') round(Total_charge,5) end % Defining [ exclusions ] % if length(Angle_index) > 0; % % fprintf(fid, '\n'); % fprintf(fid, '\n'); % fprintf(fid, '[ exclusions ] \n'); % fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; i j k type'); % % count_excl = 1; % Excl_index=[Angle_index(:,1) Angle_index(:,2) Angle_index(:,3); Angle_index(:,2) Angle_index(:,3) Angle_index(:,1); Angle_index(:,2) Angle_index(:,3) Angle_index(:,1)]; % while count_excl <= length(Excl_index); % Excl_order(count_excl,:)= {Excl_index(count_excl,1), Excl_index(count_excl,2), Excl_index(count_excl,3),';', strtrim(char(XYZ_labels(Excl_index(count_excl,1)))), strtrim(char(XYZ_labels(Excl_index(count_excl,2)))), strtrim(char(XYZ_labels(Excl_index(count_excl,3))))}; % fprintf(fid, '%-5i %-5i %-5i %s %s-%s-%s\n', Excl_order{count_excl,:}); % count_excl = count_excl + 1; % end % % end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES_XY_MMT_1 \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms if ismember(i,ind_Oct) pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '100', '100', '10000'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES_XY_MMT_2 \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms if ismember(i,ind_Oct) pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '1000', '1000', '0'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); %%%%%%%%%%%% if strncmpi(ffname,'clayff',5) fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES_Clayff \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '1000', '1000', '1000'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); else fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES_interface \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '1000', '1000', '1000'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); end fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '1000', '1000', '1000'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES_noH \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms if strncmpi([atom(i).type],'H',1)==0 pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '1000', '1000', '1000'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES_XYZ \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms if strncmpi([atom(i).type],'H',1)==0 pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '500', '500', '500'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES_XY \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms if strncmpi([atom(i).type],'H',1)==0 % if strcmp([atom(i).type],'Al') > 0 || strcmp([atom(i).type],'Mgo') > 0 pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '1000', '1000','0'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); % end end end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES_Oct_500 \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms if ismember(i,ind_Oct) pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '500', '500', '500'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '#ifdef POSRES_Y_100 \n'); fprintf(fid, '[ position_restraints ] \n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n','; atom type fx fy fz'); for i = 1:nAtoms if ismember(i,ind_Oct) pos_res(i,:) = {num2str(i), '1', '1000', '100', '1000'}; fprintf(fid, '%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s\t%6s%\n', pos_res{i,:}); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end end fprintf(fid, '#endif \n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fclose(fid); [atom(strcmp([atom.type],{'Ow'})).type]=deal({'OW'}); [atom(strcmp([atom.type],{'Hw'})).type]=deal({'HW'}); atom_itp=atom; assignin('caller','atom_itp',atom_itp); assignin('caller','Bond_index',Bond_index); assignin('caller','Angle_index',Angle_index); assignin('caller','nBonds',nBonds); assignin('caller','nAngles',nAngles);
% assignin('caller','atom',atom); % atom = charge_atom(atom,Box_dim,ffname,watermodel,'more'); % assignin('caller','Total_charge',Total_charge); % assignin('caller','Masses',Masses); % toc