Examples demonstrating how to import (i.e. read) and export (i.e. write) structure files, like .pdb|.gro|.xyz files

(For a full list of importing and exporting functions, go to List_import_functions or the List_export_functions)


First set some convenient matlab settings

format compact; set(gcf,'Visible','on');

Pick filenames to import and export

Set some filenames

filename_in='Pyrophyllite.pdb'; % default is 'Pyrophyllite.pdb'
filename_out='outPyrophyllite'; % default is 'outPyrophyllite'

How to read/import a structure file into Matlab

Use the import_atom function as demonstrated below. This function automatically detects the file format, which should be either .pdb|.gro|.xyz

Example with import_atom

atom = import_atom(filename_in);
% plot_atom(atom,Box_dim) % Run command to see what changed

Note that you get information about the composition and Box dimensions if such exist.

%   Found .pdb file
%   filename =
%       'Pyrophyllite.pdb'
%   .pdb file imported
%   composition =
%       struct with fields:
%      resnames: {'PYR'}
%     nresidues: 1
%        natoms: 40
% Atom_types =
%   1×4 cell array
%     {'Al'}    {'H'}    {'O'}    {'Si'}
% Atom_numbers =
%      4     4    24     8
% Box_dim =
%     5.1600    8.9658    9.1897         0         0         0         0   -1.6966         0

Example with import_atom_pdb (or import_atom_gro or import_atom_xyz)

atom = import_atom_pdb(filename_in);

Note that with import_atom_pdb or the import_atom_gro or the import_atom_xyz) functions you get less information than with the more general import_atom function.

Note that when you import a structure file, you can pass one or two additional arguments after the filename to (1) translate, or (2) center and translate the structure to a new box. Look for instance at import_atom_pdb and examples 2 and 3.

How to write/export a structure file

In order to export or write out a structure file, we need to specify the format we want (like .pdb|.gro|.xyz) by calling the corresponding function write_atom_pdb or the write_atom_gro or the write_atom_xyz. Apart from passing the atom struct, we must also pass the Box_dim variable and an output filename.

Note that when you export a .pdb file, the first cutoff is rmaxshort for bonded H's and the second cutoff is (rmaxlong) for all other bonds

write_atom_pdb(atom,Box_dim,filename_out,1.25,2.25) % Will try to write the CONECT bond records
write_atom_xyz(atom,Box_dim,filename_out) % With the Box_dim, not standard  for .xyz files
write_atom_xyz(atom,filename_out) % Without the Box_dim, standard for .xyz  files