Examples demonstrating how to write topology files

(For a full list of functions that deal with forcefield dependent stuff, go to List_forcefield_functions


In this example we will try to write so-called molecular topology files in the .itp format (Gromacs) and in the .psf format (NAMD2), or for LAMMPS in a so-called .lj file. The topology files carries the bonding and angle information needed. Note that there is also some support for dihedral/torsion interactions. Each format has its own function, like write_atom_itp and write_atom_psf and write_atom_lmp. Note also that both the original CLAYFF forcefield is supported, as well as a modified CLAYFF, with other atomnames, allowing for new atomtypes to be used (see the clayff_atom function). The same goes for the Interface FF.

Important note about the Interface FF implementation - all bonds and angles except the H-interactions are taken as the experimental bond distances (x1.05)and angles as in Hendrik Heinz 2005 paper. In other words they are not set to fixed values as in the Heinz et al., 2013.

These topology functions can be invoked by issuing something like: write_atom_itp(atom,Box_dim,'filename.itp',rmin,rmax,forcefieldname,watermodel); where rmin is the max cutoff for bonded H's and rmax the max cutoff for all other M-O bonds. Note the watermodel string (example 'spc') is not really needed and may be removed in later versions.

First set some convenient matlab settings

format compact; set(gcf,'Visible','on');

Import a unit cell structure

First let's import a clay unit cell structure file into matlabs variable space, with the option of replicating it to a larger and proper clay layer.

atom=replicate_atom(atom,Box_dim,[6 4 1]);

Assign the forcefield atomtypes

If we have not already done so, we should assign the forcefield specific atomtypes to all atomnames. Here we will do it for original CLAYFF as well as the modified (with atomnames made up by me..), and the corresponding Interface FF v1.5.

atom_clayff_2004 = clayff_2004_atom(atom,Box_dim,'clayff');
atom_clayff = clayff_atom(atom,Box_dim); % Modifed CLAYFF
atom_interface15 = interface15_atom(atom,Box_dim,'Interface');
atom_interface = interface_atom(atom,Box_dim,'Interface'); % Modified Interface FF

Write a CLAYFF (Cygan, 2004).itp/.psf file


Write a modified CLAYFF .itp/.psf/.lj file with modified atomnames


Write a Interface FF (Heinz, 2005) .itp/.psf file


Write a Interface FF .itp/.psf file with modified atomnames
