- This function can help you print custom gromacs .ndx files, you just have to find a way to find the indexes id you want to print out with the group name {groupname}. The printed index file (default index.ndx) can be appended with new groups. See also Make_selections how to make custom selections and find the corresponding atom indexes, MolID's etc.
- Example on how to select all molID's of water (having [atom.types], the site names 'Ow') having z < 10, run this:
ind=find(strcmpi([atom.type],'Ow')&[atom.z]<10); % find all Ow atoms with z coordinates < 10
id=[atom(ind).molid]; % get the molID's of the Ow atoms from the previous command
gmx_make_ndx(id,'SOL_low_z','index.ndx') % Write out it indexes (here called id) under the group name SOL_low_z to a file called index.ndx
Please report problems/bugs to
- gmx_make_ndx(id,groupname,filename) % Basic input arguments
- gmx_make_ndx([101 102 103],'SOL') % molID's, groupname, will output a file called index.ndx
- gmx_make_ndx([101 102 103],'SOL','SOL_ind.ndx') % molID's, groupname, filename
function gmx_make_ndx(groupname,id,varargin) if nargin==1 disp('You did not supply enough input arguments!') disp('See the examples in the function.') elseif nargin==2 filename='index.ndx' elseif nargin >2 filename=varargin{1}; end if iscell(groupname) groupname=char(groupname); end if iscell(filename) filename=char(filename); end if regexp(filename,'.ndx') ~= false filename = filename; else filename = strcat(filename,'.ndx'); end % Format the ind vector to have 15 entries per row ext_ind=zeros(1,15*ceil(length(id)/15)); ext_ind(1:length(id))=id; ext_ind=reshape(ext_ind,15,[])'; % Print the index file fid = fopen(filename, 'a+'); fprintf(fid, '%s %s %s\r\n','[',groupname,']'); for i = 1:size(ext_ind,1) row=ext_ind(i,:); row(row==0)=[]; if max(row)<1000 fprintf(fid, '%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i%4i\r\n', row); elseif max(row)<10000 fprintf(fid, '%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i%5i\r\n', row); elseif max(row)<100000 fprintf(fid, '%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i%6i\r\n', row); end end fprintf(fid, '\r\n'); fprintf(fid, '\r\n'); fclose(fid);