Documentary on mercury and climate research

The new documentary Fjords Frontiers: Digging into the Future of Climate Change, presents recent mercury and climate research by the teams of Eric Capo and Erik Björn at Umeå University. The documentary shows field research conducted at the Norwegian fjord Rossfjordsvatnet. The water mass in this fjord is redox-stratified with declining oxygen, and increasing hydrogen sulfide, concentrations at increasing depth. The research aims to understand how the expansion of oxygen deficiency in coastal seas may impact mercury biogeochemistry and microbial metabolisms.

The research is funded by the Swedish Research Council, The Swedish research council FORMAS and the Kempe Foundations.

New paper on methylmercury bioavailability!

Top right: Principles for DOM-thiol controlled uptake of MeHg via thermodynamically or kinetically controlled mechanisms. Bottom right: Large, systematic decrease in DOM-thiols, and thereby increase in MeHg uptake across the terrestrial-marine aquatic continuum.

Research in Björn’s group show how the availability of methylmercury for incorporation at the base of the aquatic food web (by phytoplankton cellular uptake) is controlled by the concentration of thiol functional groups in dissolved organic matter. The research further shows how the concentration of DOM-thiols systematically decreases across the terrestrial-marine aquatic continuum.

2 new positions in the Björn group

Field sampling in Norwegian fjords and the Baltic Sea and diverse experimental lab work!
Join very active postdoc community in Umeå and global community in Hg science!
Apply here before 28th of February
Ph.D. position on methylmercury formation in biofilms!
Combined biogeochemistry and microbiology experimental lab work!
Join very active global community in Hg science!
Apply here before 11th of April