Two papers out on hydrochars for wastewater treatment

Two new papers in collaboration with Stina Jansson  and J-F Boily of UmU now out in Environmental Science and Pollution Research:

Niinipuu M, Latham KG, Boily J-F, Bergknut M, Jansson S. 2020 The impact of hydrothermal carbonization on the surface functionalities of wet waste materials for water treatment applications. Env. Sci. Poll. Res.

Niinipuu M, Bergknut M, Boily J-F, Rosenbaum E, Jansson S. 2020 Influence of water matrix and hydrochar properties on removal of organic and inorganic contaminants. Env. Sci. Poll. Res.

Sapphire-supported water films: Paper with PNNL collaborators just accepted in JCIS

In collaboration with Hongfei Wang (Fudan University) and other current and former Pacific Northwest National Laboratory scientists, we used Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy (SFG-VS) and molecular model to provide new insight on the orientation and hydrogen bond populations of nanometric water films on sapphire (alpha-Al2O3) surfaces:

J.-F. Boily*, L. Fu., A. Tuladhar, Z. Lu, Z.M., Legg B., Wang, H.-F. Wang (2019). Hydrogen Bonding and Molecular Orientations Across Thin Water Films on Sapphire. J. Colloid Interface Sci. (accepted)




PDF/XRD/EXAFS/NMR/FTIR paper on phosphate binding on aluminum hydroxide

A multi-institution collaboration involving University of Wyoming, Argonne National Laboratory, Canadian Light Source, Stony Brook University and Huazhong Agricultural University.

“Phosphate Sorption Speciation and Precipitation Mechanisms on
Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxide” will soon be coming out in the Open Access Journal Soil Systems

Authors: Xiaoming Wang, Brian L. Phillips, Jean-François Boily, Yongfeng Hu, Zhen Hu, Peng Yang, Xionghan Feng, Wenqian Xu, Mengqiang Zhu *