Paper published detailing the mineral characteristics of Holocene lake sediments

Based on a plethora of experiments and advanced geochemical analysis techniques, Hussein Kanbar in the Holmboe group (Department of Chemistry/UMU), in a collaboration with PhD student Fredrik Olajos and Professor Göran Englund from the Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences/UMU, has published a paper in the Journal of Soils and Sediments, detailing the mineral and geochemical characteristics of Holocene lake sediments from the Hotagen lake in west Sweden (Jämtland). Read more here:

Kanbar, H.J., Tran Le, T., Olajos, F. et al. Tracking mineral and geochemical characteristics of Holocene lake sediments: the case of Hotagen, west-central Sweden. J Soils Sediments (2021).

CLOSED: The Holmboe group is offering 1 PhD student position and 1 postdoc fellowship!

Our planet has more organic carbon in its fragile soil layers than all the carbon on land and atmosphere combined. The Holmboe group is now hiring a PhD student (4 year minimum) and offering one postdoc fellowship (2 years) for two separate but similar projects focusing on the molecular interactions between natural organic molecules and mineral surfaces.

In order to focus on the molecular scale, the research will utilize various experimental methods and molecular dynamics simulations  (extracting for instance free energy profiles as shown below), and why not also virtual reality!


To apply for the PhD position, please visit this link.

To apply for the postdoc fellowship financed by the Kempe Foundations, please visit this link.


Bubble paper out!

Using microelectrodes, we revealed a gateway for ion transport in bubbles pinned on hematite and on gold!

You can read our paper “A gateway for ion transport on gas bubbles pinned onto solids” here.
You can read the story behind the paper here.

Harizi V, Nha TPT, Berisha A, Boily JF. 2021. A gateway for ion transport on gas bubbles pinned onto solids. Commun. Chem. 4, 43.

Yesilbas publishes Science Advances paper on Martian cryosalts!

This is the first paper from Merve Yesilbas‘ VR- and NASA-supported work with Janice Bishop at the SETI institute.

Bishop JL, Yeşilbaş M, Hinman NW, Burton ZMF, Englert PAJ,  Toner JD, McEwen AS, Gulick VC, Gibson EK, Koeberl C. 2021. Martian subsurface cryosalt expansion and collapse as trigger for landslides. Sci. Adv. 7, eabe4459.

You can find the paper here and press releases on CNN and SETI

Using soil analogues, the group showed how cryosalts can trigger landslides on Mars. This suggests the martian environment is still dynamic and active today, which is important for future human exploration on Mars. A portion of the experimental work was done in JF Boily’s laboratory.

New paper detailing DNA-hotspots in sediments by H. Kanbar and Holmboe

Hussein Kanbar and Michael Holmboe has collaborated with EMG/UMU Prof. Göran Englund and PhD student Fredrik Olajos, on the faith of (ancient)DNA adsorbed onto minerals in 10,000 y old Swedish lake sediments. Their first publication is now available online at:


  1. Lake sediment geochmemistry plays a significant role in the sorption.
  2. Clays were the main sedimentary components to host DNA.
  3. Both clay-mineral and organo-clay complexes govern the sorption of DNA.
  4. A DNA infrared fingerprint was determined in sediments via spectral subtraction.
  5. DNA-hotspots in lake sediments were revealed using geochemical approaches.