New method (2024):
Go to and download either the .deb or .rpm file. Make sure to NOT use gdebi-gtk, i.e. use dpkg –install ‘pc-print-deploy-client[].deb’
This is required as you need to log-in to umu-print during the installation. Username is abcd1234. Don’t use your password — use your pin.
The method below is deprecated:
This was done on a debian jessie box with gnome shell
- Download the PPD from
- Go to Print Settings, Unlock and then +Add/Printer
- Select Network Printer/Windows Printer via SAMBA
- Use smb:// and make sure to set authentication details. Username should written along the lines of
- Don’t verify, but hit forward.
- Under Choose Driver, pick Provide PPD file, and use the file you downloaded in step 1.
- Accept the defaults.
- Due to a new (21/6/2017) and idiotic ‘feature’ of the printing system at UMU (i.e. not linux related) you need to submit the job from a computer account that has the same value as your CAS ID. In plain English: if your linux username is different from your CAS — and it should/will be — you can’t print. To fix this, create /etc/cups/client.conf and put your CAS there, e.g. User abcd1234
- You should now be able to print.