Printing at UMU from Linux

New method (2024):
Go to and download either the .deb or .rpm file. Make sure to NOT use gdebi-gtk, i.e. use dpkg –install ‘pc-print-deploy-client[].deb’

This is required as you need to log-in to umu-print during the installation. Username is abcd1234. Don’t use your password — use your pin.


The method below is deprecated:
This was done on a debian jessie box with gnome shell

  1. Download the PPD from
  2. Go to Print Settings, Unlock and then +Add/Printer
  3. Select Network Printer/Windows Printer via SAMBA
  4. Use smb:// and make sure to set authentication details. Username should written along the lines of
  5. Don’t verify, but hit forward.
  6. Under Choose Driver, pick Provide PPD file, and use the file you downloaded in step 1.
  7.  Accept the defaults.
  8.  Due to a new (21/6/2017) and idiotic ‘feature’ of the printing system at UMU (i.e. not linux related) you need to submit the job from a computer account that has the same value as your CAS ID. In plain English: if your linux username is different from your CAS — and it should/will be — you can’t print. To fix this, create /etc/cups/client.conf and put your CAS there, e.g. User abcd1234
  9. You should now be able to print.

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