Conferral of PhD
7th of June 2017: Shravan has been awarded a PhD in recognition of his work on small molecule activation. Congratulations, Shravan!

His research interests include the transition metal mediated activation of small molecules — such as H2, N2 and CO2 — by chemical and electrochemical methods as well as the study of geochemically relevant materials for carbon sequestration and activation.
Shravan has done his PhD working in joint co-supervision with Bjørn Winther-Jensen and Leone Spiccia. Shravan submitted his PhD thesis on the 10th of March 2017.
2. Acharya, Shravan S.; Eastone, Christopher D.; McCoy, Thomas M.; Spiccia, Leone; Ohlin, C. André; Winther-Jensen, Bjorn, “Diverse composites of metal-complexes and PEDOT facilitated by metal-free vapour phase polymerization”, React. Func. Polymers. Accepted. Link.
1. Acharya, Shravan S.; Winther-Jensen, Bjorn; Spiccia, Leone; Ohlin, C. André;, “Rates of water exchange in 2,2′-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline complexes of Co(II) and Mn(II)”, Aust. J. Chem.. Accepted. Link.